Phone Number entered: 2134445566777
Default Country entered: US
Language entered: en
Parsing Result (parseAndKeepRawInput()) | |
country_code | 1 |
national_number | 2134445566777 |
extension | |
country_code_source | FROM_DEFAULT_COUNTRY |
italian_leading_zero | false |
number_of_leading_zeros | 1 |
raw_input | 2134445566777 |
preferred_domestic_carrier_code |
Validation Results | |
Result from isPossibleNumber() | false |
Result from isPossibleNumberWithReason() | TOO_LONG |
Note: Numbers that are not possible have type UNKNOWN, an unknown region, and are considered invalid. |
Short Number Results | |
Result from isPossibleShortNumber() | false |
Result from isPossibleShortNumberForRegion() | false |
Formatting Results | |
E164 format | invalid |
Original format | 2134445566777 |
National format | 2134445566777 |
International format | invalid |
Out-of-country format from US | invalid |
Out-of-country format from CH | invalid |
Format for mobile dialing (calling from US) | invalid |
Format for national dialing with preferred carrier code and empty fallback carrier code | invalid |
AsYouTypeFormatter Results | |
Char entered: '2' Output: " | 2 |
Char entered: '1' Output: " | 21 |
Char entered: '3' Output: " | 213 |
Char entered: '4' Output: " | 213-4 |
Char entered: '4' Output: " | 213-44 |
Char entered: '4' Output: " | 213-444 |
Char entered: '5' Output: " | 213-4445 |
Char entered: '5' Output: " | (213) 444-55 |
Char entered: '6' Output: " | (213) 444-556 |
Char entered: '6' Output: " | (213) 444-5566 |
Char entered: '7' Output: " | 21344455667 |
Char entered: '7' Output: " | 213444556677 |
Char entered: '7' Output: " | 2134445566777 |